Your essay must include the following components:
- A brief history of this person (birthdate, birthplace or hometown, date of death if they are deceased, work history).
- Education and training
- Where did this person go to school?
- Where did they learn their skills?
- Do they have a restaurant?
- Name
- Location(s)
- Theme if applicable
- List some menu items if it is available
- What is their trademark or what are they known for?
- Do they have a television show? What is the concept of the show?
- What else are they famous for? Cook books? Magazines? A line of cookware? Something I didn't list?
- Why did you choose this person to research?
- What can you learn from this person?
- Images
- Photo of your chef
- Logo of their restaurant or brands
You must list all the sources you used (full http link from the exact location - no when there is a specific address like
Essay should be one and a half to two pages long.